The purchasing process is more important than ever before in the supply chain. The savings and benefits of this process flow directly into the result of the company and determine to a large extent the success of your own company!

With us you highlight hidden potential of your purchasing department!


Strategic Purchasing

The strategic orientation of purchasing to achieve medium-term to long-term goals is enormously important, especially for sustainable business practices. The often disregarded aspect of the strategic approach is the necessary course of action to respond to the price and business policies of the market and position themselves accordingly.

Project Purchasing

For large trades such as In mechanical engineering and the automotive industry, experienced and competent project purchasing has become indispensable. He cares technically and commercially for large trades that require extensive attention and are not handled with a simple order process. The focus here is on sales and development in our own company right up to the final commissioning at the customer and his warranty claims. It covers a very important and extensive part of the value chain, and good purchasing project management is the foundation of this process.

Operational purchasing

The operational business has often been stuck for many years and there is a veritable lethargy. Likewise, these activities have become very expensive and inflexible in the company. Delivery dates and quality standards are no longer maintained and additional costs are charged without examination or on-charge. We carry out a revision of your operative purchasing up to the complete takeover of operative purchasing processes and summarize them.

Conduct of negotiations

A very important area that is increasingly forgotten or not sufficiently used. It is in the nature of things that every market participant wants to emphasize their own added value. However, this must be managed with a competent and experienced negotiation leadership in order to be able to use their own market opportunities. Even in an international context, sometimes with very strong cultural differences, it is extremely important to have a strong partner at your side.

Supplier determination / Supplier development

In order to withstand today’s international competition, new ways often have to be taken. This also includes new suppliers who have other potential than companies that have been with them for some decades. This requires a good knowledge of the market in order to find suitable partners as suppliers or to build up previously unused opportunities with existing suppliers.

Optimization of purchasing processes

Summarize processes, relocate or even go new ways in purchasing. The possibilities are numerous with which processes in purchasing can be optimized. Previous structures often no longer meet the current requirements of the international market and require a revision.

Procurement controlling

The creation and monitoring of important key figures is the basis of a targeted monitoring of operational purchasing and at the same time the basis of a sustainable strategy for the further development of the procurement process.

Monitoring of procurement processes

Controlling and monitoring delivery processes are important subprocesses that are part of day-to-day business. Through regular actions, problems and shifts can be detected early and rectified.

Facts of purchasing departments


average costs per order in operational purchasing. Process costs in the area of adherence to deadlines, quality and technical clarification are not yet included here.

0 %

average cost of purchasing value for the purchasing department in SMEs and larger companies. Small businesses work here more costly.

1 %

the successes in purchasing flow directly into the company’s earnings and do not have to be generated via sales at a much smaller percentage. No product has to be produced for this success!


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