In sales, we have to see the big picture and support the customer directly and actively in his needs!

Sales is the art of winning customers and to persuade them permanently of us and the products!


Customer care „One-Face-to-the-Customer”

We offer a complete customer service including all services. We are directly addressable and close to the customer. In the international context, we convince through the representation of our clients from other cultures and we are the interface between customers and suppliers.

Customer identification and customer acquisition

Taking into account your products and / or services, we strategically and efficiently launch new sales areas. Potentials and opportunities are analyzed, evaluated and processed.

Market analysis / Customer analysis

We look for potential and opportunities for your products in the markets we know. In addition to a market analysis, we also look at existing and new customers and examine which added value can still be produced.

Sales Organization

From a strategic point of view, more and more companies are starting to form separate sales organizations and placing them directly near the customer. Customer-focused, cultural and legal benefits are the most common reasons for this.

Sales process from the first quote until the delivery and after sales

We understand a sales process from the first request to the delivery and the following service business and we will do the same for you.

Planning of trade fairs and customer visits

The planning and organization of trade fairs and customer visits is often much more extensive than expected. We plan these events completely and efficiently for you or take over sub-processes for your organization. We also work on booths and deliver the required staff.

"Even if conditions are not exactly the same, people will always prefer to do business with other people and to recommend them to others they know, like and trust."
Rupert K.
Head of Sales


Please contact us now!

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